
touchdowwnn africa!!

{disclaimer: this is a long one!}

Hello dear friends and family! I haaaave arrived! It was quite a journey getting here and is even more of an adventure actually being here. Thank you for all of the support and prayers lately, they have been wonderful! I was hoping to put up more pictures/videos of my travels but I'm trying to work out kinks on the technological side. Hopefully soon, though!

As Monday came, I was getting nervous about the goodbyes I would have to make while I set out for this adventure. I found that with each one, there was a huge sense of peace that lit up my heart - letting me know it was okay to let go.

[ Comic relief is also the ultimate ingredient to a smooth send off.  I told Faith I wouldn't be allowed on the plane if I brought certain things in my carryon bag because security would count it is as a weapon. "So will they just kick you out of the plane in the air?" ]

I went on to London for my 12 hour layover and spent some time with dad and Gillian. It was so great to see them both. Dad and I got some whippies (ice cream) and more things for my trip (including biscuits and chocolate!). He made delicious chicken parm for all of us. Before I knew it we were back at the airport and hit with my last goodbye. 

There it was! My final step in getting to Uganda! I could hardly sleep on either of the planes. And that is when a good chunk of what I was doing hit me. All of the preparation, running errands, fundraising, and visiting was finished. I had done all I could to set myself up over here. 

Little did I know, there was absolutely no preparation for what I was entering into. 

Yes, my visa, tickets, phone... logistics were almost flawless. I read about culture shock, entered into it slightly going to France and Italy - but nothing like this. As soon as I found my wonderful driver, we were on our way into the city of Kampala. I have never been the only American that I could see. We got my phone, internet, money, and were on our way. I was still pretty excited at this point. 

We had about 5 hours of driving ahead of us on one red dirt road filled with pot holes. We didn't exchange too many words, which was partially because I was beat. But mostly it was the culture shock that was hitting me like a ton of bricks every time I gazed out the window. I was doing my best to take in the beauty of the trees and far-out land. Once I got to my final destination of Gulu, I was met by Sarah (another volunteer working with Zion Project) - boy was I excited to see her! As we moved my luggage pieces (aka half my house) in, the reality was settling in more and more. Once I got into my room, it was settling in more than I would've liked. My heart and mind became raw.

Mom and dad were checking in, and I couldn't lie to their first question: so how are you?
Truthfully - not great. I was genuinely frightened, missing home more than I knew possible, and felt deserted. (I know.. not exactly what you want to hear from your daughter on another continent) Sarita and Christine warned me of feelings I would hit, but I didn't think they'd come this fast. 

I have never clung to Him so tightly. I have never been brought to this place spiritually (or physically!) and most of it scares me. But there is a decent piece of me that is excited to be feeling all of these things. It has never felt so good to be so real and raw with the Lord. 

Was any of this a surprise to the Lord? OF COURSE NOT! He knew everything I'd be thinking/feeling/lacking in Gulu before He even made me. And want to know the best part? He has already claimed victory over this path. Joy will come. His glory will be shining. My heart will look more like His. <------   YES!

I am getting more used to things day by day. Through this thunder cloud I'm pushing through with Him, He's graciously piercing it with bits of sunshine:

** Sarah has been a THE BIGGEST blessing and teaching me how everything goes around here. She is incredible and has so much patience for all of my questions.
** I have gone to the girls' home a few times and they are just precious. I am now called "Auntie Britt" - pronounced "Auntie Breeet" (= I had hugs, girls playing with my hair and wanting to paly before I knew it. I hear 'auntie! auntie!' and respond! 
** The women I have met with ZP have been so welcoming! (along with every other person I meet)
** I rode on my first motorcycle! That's how they get around here, on bodas!
** I've always wanted a canopy.. a mosquito net is close enough (;
** The trees here are so interesting! I cannot wait to post pictures of them. One should be in a Dr. Seuss movie.
** The love and support coming from my friends and family is nothing less than incredible. 
... to name just a few!

I so badly want it to be a few weeks later when I can say I've fallen in love with Gulu, know how things work, and am on track with how I am serving. I am quickly reminded of what Sarita said when she spoke in Harrisonburg last spring "God loves you just as much as He loves the people you are serving. He wants to work on you too." (going off of memory, not word for word) Right now He is growing me more than I can even see or feel, and I am so thankful. I need to endure this valley and I won't know when I'm out until He wants me to know.

This is how He works. He brings us to places we've never been before. He makes it so HE is the only one I can lean into. And you know why? because He loves me. He's not satisfied where my heart is. He wants to grow me. He wants to take me on this crazy wild adventure even if I'm robbed of my personality or security temporarily. And oh.. by the way - HE WANTS TO USE ME. I am honored to be here.

Some nuggets of truth given to me by sweet friends/family I have been holding tight to:

"... Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you." - Hebrews 13:5

It's not going to be easy, but it is going to be beautiful.

I need to start crawling
                    then move up to walking
                                        then running
                                                   then s p r i n t i n g after His glory. 

There is no way our power or control can advance us a mere inch, it is all by God's provision that we can grow at all.

You don't have to be strong... just be a little kid clinging to her daddy's leg.


  1. Hey love! You are doing a great job! All those feelings are normal and I promise they will pass. Father is there to hold you in His arms as you adjust to all the changes. He is the best friend you can ask for. Know we are here to support you! Love, Sarita

    1. (= Thank you so much, Sarita. You have been so wonderful! Can't wait to see you!
