back, it's go time!
First evening in OBX walking on the beach with my cousin Laura! |
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All of us (minus Shannon) at the dunes (= |
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Ice cream at the beach is a must! |
Before I left for the beach I had to say my goodbyes to a good friend who left for Europe while I was gone. I have been preparing for Uganda since May, but this was my first step that truly struck home. While this brings on a range of emotions, I am slowly approaching the realness of my adventure. I catch myself letting sad feelings creep up when I'm in the moment (having dinner with my best friends, driving with my cousin, painting my little sisters' nails, word vomiting on my mom...) but I am quickly reminded of His promise:
" 'I tell you the truth', Jesus replied, 'no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother of father or children or fields FOR ME and the GOSPEL will fail to receieve a hundred times as much in this present age, and in the age to come, eternal life.' "
Mark 10:29-30
If I were to be in the States any longer, He would have it. If I were to be spending the next few months at home, He would have it. But that's not His best for me. That's not His best for those I will soon meet in Uganda. That's not what He has prepared me for. While I met with Pastor Mitchell of Christ Community Church, I expressed prayer requests of adequacy and competency for what I will be doing in Uganda. He sweetly reminded me that the Lord has been preparing me for these treasures all along. The Holy Spirit will be my teacher and I am more prepared than I think.
I am currently 43% funded. The Lord has been working in wonderful ways and moving supporters to donate and pray for me. My faith continues to be in the Lord and that He will provide. I confess that part of me has already sneakily devised a plan, seeing as how I am leaving in a few weeks:
1.) I'll contact a very generous supporter
2.) They'll donate a large sum of money that will cover most of what's left
3.) I'm good to go!
How much is the Lord laughing at me right now? That plan won't work because 1.) I thought of it (usually His plans are outside of my thoughts) and 2.) it robs others from the opportunity of supporting me. I know He will work through others and bless them abundantly!
I am currently finishing up an online donation site and will post it when it's ready! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish eating the leftover cookie dough off the mixer (=
I wonder if I can bake in Uganda.. hm...
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