Remember that one time I was attempting to blog
every week? …woops! I hope you’re
hungry, because you are about to devour a dessert sampler platter of an entry.
That’s right, folks! Butterscotch brownies, peach cobbler, Reeses cheesecake,
rainbow sorbet, cinnamon scone… none of which go together, but I have to catch
you up! I promise to try (emphasis,
mine) and give just a taste of
everything to avoid stuffing you. It may get lengthier in the end, but stick
with me.
Let the tasting begin...
CRUSHED it. & dessert plate #2 |
Melissa playing charades! |
Up until I actually got to the house where our
Thanksgiving was held, I hadn’t felt a hint of the holiday. I was soon met with
delicious smells and wonderful
families and friends, new and known. While I missed my family and LOVED Skyping
with them at night, I have to admit it was probably one of my favorite
Thanksgivings. It was nourishing
to my soul to be with sweet company; my body got a little over-nourished, but
when else was I going to eat pecan pie in Gulu?! We all hung out for hours
eating, playing Settlers of Catan & charades among other games, eating, playing again… eating. (=
G L O R I A G R A D U A T E D!!!
Our youngest in Zion, Gloria, graduated K3! This
would be about the equivalent to kindergarten. One of the aunties, Joyce, and I
attended the ceremony. It was a blast! Kids from all levels put on skits, read
poems, had contests (one was a dressing contest to see how quickly they got
ready in the morning… hah!) Gloria was the leader of her class and MEMORIZED a
speech. I felt like a proud mama!
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Little man was strugglin' but didn't find it necessary to speed it up (= |
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Oh man. My heart is swelling just looking that her. |
S U R P R I S E S & S U N S E T S N A P S H O T S
December 14th I flew home and surprised
some family and friends! I held out on tell my mom… bad idea, scared her a bit. Sorry mom!! I
treasured every maple yule log cookie I ate, each hug from family and friends, watching the Food Network, dinners, late night hang outs, driving, gym visits, talks, running to the
grocery store, cold crunchy cereal in the mornings, getting beat at Just Dance by my little sisters… everything. But
you know what I realized? I didn’t need
the Lord as much in the states. I didn’t need to ask him to wrap me up with
protection on each boda ride, or speak for me when trying to deeply connect
cross culturally, or put the power on, or watch over me as I shut my eyes to
sleep. I felt so distant at times because I simply didn’t need to rely on Him
for things like I do here. And I hated
I anticipated coming back to Uganda so I could need Him more. Oddly
enough, I knew something was different the moment I left my family at the
airport and walked into security. I had imagined it being a reenactment of my
goodbyes in September, the first time I flew out to Uganda - but I didn’t feel
nearly as nervous or torn this time around because I had more of an idea what I was
flying to.
[ p a u s e ]
have this analogy I like to call the sunset analogy (or sunrise, whatever tickles
your fancy – I said it right, nins!) When going through seasons in life,
sometimes I don’t feel or see a change at all because I’m presently in them.
I’d like to believe I’m transforming but I have nothing to prove for it. Like
when you watch a sunset: you know the sun is going down and the colors are
taking turns looking like Trix yogurt, but you don’t see any major changes
while staring at it the whole time. However, if you take your eyes off of the
sky for just ONE minute then look back – it has changed drastically! I call it
a sunset snapshot. You get a picture of what it looked like before you took
your eyes off, wait a bit, and a picture of what it looks like after.
[r e s u m e]
God gave me a sunset snapshot at the airport. I
could feel Him transforming me slightly while being in Uganda, but not drastically.
It wasn’t until the second time leaving the US did I realize how genuinely scared out of my mind I was the first
time. Truthfully, I had not ONE clue what I was doing! PS: whoever believes living the Christian life is boring - I'd like to see you abandon all and listen to Him. He created adventure - He'll bring you to the edge of your cliff and tell you to jump while catching you on the most action packed ride of your life. Now that I've returned with 2 volunteers, I'm getting sneaky snapshots of how the Lord's been growing me since being here (=
Soon after arriving in Uganda, I discovered myself actually missing feeling
uncomfortable and scared here. I used to have to lean on the Lord for comfort
while being here. I caught myself leaning on my familiarity for my comfort. Is my
familiarity here a bad thing? Nope. But I’m learning how to see that as a
blessing from the Lord, and not my crutch. I still need Him, desperately. But I see my need looking
different every day.
I slyly mentioned I have 2 VOLUNTEERS HERE! Hailey
and Emily (= It feels so great to have them here. I usually did everything by myself, or when
Sarah was here I’d run around with her. But now I get to spend a lot
of time with them! It’s a bittersweet thing (I haven’t told them this… so I
hope they don’t get offended!) But I feel like it’s somehow similar to when you
get married. You have your single and alone time before – me during my first few months here
having sweet intimacy with the Lord every minute because He was with me when no
one else was. But now since I’m with people almost all the time, I miss out on
individual times with Him. Nonetheless, I cannot see this time in Uganda looking any different (= My time with these girls is so nourishing and encouraging! I'm soaking in each minute with them.